Projector undergoing surgery this morning! Tags: tweet, twitter
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Projector undergoing surgery this morning! Tags: tweet, twitter
Time to get back in the swing of things @nite_riderz will ride 2Nite at 9:30 from the corner, and head south. Let us now if U will B there! Tags: tweet, twitter
I spent the last two days in front of these screens working on the new @championforest HD control room design… # Powered by Twitter Tools Tags: tweet, twitter
I spent the last two days in front of these screens working on the new @championforest HD control room design… Tags: tweet, twitter
Airport bus driver is a tour guide, wanabe NASCAR driver and junior meteorologist #imjustsayin # Home! # I'm back in town & the distractions of #NAbshow are gone…I can already feel my heart rate increasing // less than 3 days…
9mo of training but no ride Day1 #MS150 €¦still sick. Sad but Trusting God’s plan! Praying the 2 shots I had 2day work so I’m well for Day2. Tags: tweet, twitter
I’m officially sick….running fever all night. The MS150 is less than 24 hours away…I’m trying not to be sad, trusting God, and praying. Tags: tweet, twitter
I’m back in town & the distractions of #NAbshow are gone…I can already feel my heart rate increasing // less than 3 days to go. #ms150 Tags: tweet, twitter
Airport bus driver is a tour guide, wanabe NASCAR driver and junior meteorologist #imjustsayin Tags: tweet, twitter