First movie in months = The Avengers = Good Choice #familytime Tags: tweet, twitter
First movie in months = The Avengers = Good Choice #familytime Tags: tweet, twitter
Is it ironic or just ridiculous when they have an awful broadcast mix for a music awards show?#billboardmusicawards Tags: tweet, twitter
Long but good night @championforest, the TV ministry launch is only three weeks away! Now time to get some rest. # Running SAG for the Ironman TX today. The heat has been really are in the athletes. # Powered by…
Running SAG for the Ironman TX today. The heat has been really are in the athletes. Tags: tweet, twitter
Long but good night @championforest, the TV ministry launch is only three weeks away! Now time to get some rest. Tags: tweet, twitter
I'm excited to celebrate those who serve so faithfully @championforest tonight at the Worship and Media volunteer banquet. #cfbcworshipmedia # It's all business in the clubhouse 1.5hr before the Padres start their playoff run. // now if we could just…
I’ve got to admit: I’m super proud of the double play Josh just made #teeball Tags: tweet, twitter
It’s all business in the clubhouse 1.5hr before the Padres start their playoff run. // now if we could just find that glove! // #justsayin Tags: tweet, twitter
I’m excited to celebrate those who serve so faithfully @championforest tonight at the Worship and Media volunteer banquet. #cfbcworshipmedia Tags: tweet, twitter
Time to get back in the swing of things @nite_riderz will ride 2Nite at 9:30 from the corner, and head south. Let us now if U will B there! # Projector undergoing surgery this morning! # Powered by Twitter…