Today at 10:42am at the Women’s hospital of Houston, Joshua Eric Todd was born! He weighed 6lb 1oz He was 19in long He has lots of hair and a great smile! These are some real quick pics from my camcorder…when…
Today at 10:42am at the Women’s hospital of Houston, Joshua Eric Todd was born! He weighed 6lb 1oz He was 19in long He has lots of hair and a great smile! These are some real quick pics from my camcorder…when…
Ok, I know Christmas has come and gone, But I’ve wanted to share something for some time so please indulge me. Let me start by noting that Christmas is really only about one gift…the gift of Jesus Christ and the…
Today was my birthday, and it was a pretty good day! Why? Really there was not that much out of the ordinary …in fact I even had to work until almost 9:30 tonight (It was more like playing because I…
My Papa, Darrell Williams gracefully left us tonight (December 30th) at 5:30 pm. It is never, ever, ever, ever easy to lose a loved one; especially when they are as special as my Papa. That’s why I’m so grateful to…