January 11th – My Birthday

Today was my birthday, and it was a pretty good day!

Why?  Really there was not that much out of the ordinary …in fact I even had to work until almost 9:30 tonight (It was more like playing because I directed video as our choir premiered some great new music from Brooklyn Tabernacle…it was awesome).

My day started with Madi calling from her room…Daddy, haaaaaaapy birrrrrrrthdaaaay, Daddy it’s your birthday, I love you!  And I did get to eat lunch with my precious wife after her Dr. Appointment…something I wish I got to do more often.  But aside form those diversions and all of my friends, family, and co-workers wishing my happy birthday, it was a NORMAL day.

A day spent doing a job I love, spending time with my family I adore, friends and co-workers I enjoy, and worshiping our one and only Lord and savior.  Really what more is there?

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Posted in Faith/Ministry Stuff, Family Stuff

Verse of the Day:

Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich. (Proverbs 21:17, ESV)

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This is the personal site of Chris Todd, Director of Technology at Champion Forest Baptist Church. The posts, comments, views, and opinions are not necessarily those of CFBC and should not be construed as such.
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