- My view of the stage for Easter 2012 @championforest … So thankful to serve a Risen Lord! http://t.co/3V8HI8Z #
- Enjoying Josh's T-Ball game. #slugger http://t.co/pVQEp7Z #
- In awe of God's provision: Last night the church voted to affirm @championforest starting TV ministry on June 3rd @ 9:30am on @myfoxhouston #
- In 10min Ken @ Bike Lane fixed the problem on my bike that another shop has been trying fix for months. #expertise #service #bikeshop #
- If you're not using Dropbox you should be…have all of your files all the time and the @Dropbox. 2GB account is free! http://t.co/pUtfKYR #
- It's sobering to think: at this moment next week I will be headed to Austin on my bicycle, what was I thinking! // 7 day countdown! #ms150 #
- Anyone have connections with United reservations? I have a flight out tomorrow exactly when the storms are supposed to hit…need to change! #
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