Granting ‘Send As’ rights to an Exchange 2003 user

1. Run Active Directory Users and Computers and select the View menu and select Advanced Features.

2. Select the User object that will be Send on Behalf of(i.e. BlogDirector).

3. Right-click the object and select Properties.

4. Under Security Tab -> Click Advanced, click Add and type the username (i.e. that you want to grant Send As permissions to.

5. Click Check Names to make sure you have the name right and then click OK.

6. In the Permission Entry dialog, select “This object only” in the “Apply to” dropdown, and then check “Allow” under “Send As” in the Permissions list. Make sure no other permissions are being explicitly granted.

7. Click OK to all to close the dialogs boxes.

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Posted in IT Stuff

Verse of the Day:

Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich. (Proverbs 21:17, ESV)

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This is the personal site of Chris Todd, Director of Technology at Champion Forest Baptist Church. The posts, comments, views, and opinions are not necessarily those of CFBC and should not be construed as such.
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