I’ll bet you don’t have one of these…

Ok, I know Christmas has come and gone, But I’ve wanted to share something for some time so please indulge me. Let me start by noting that Christmas is really only about one gift…the gift of Jesus Christ and the fact that he came to save us!

Now with that said there and understood, lets talk about the bling. ?Now you might think that my most special gift was the iPOD, or tools , or something like that….NOPE.

My best gift can’t really be explained…rather it really need to be experienced. Allow me to introduce “The Super Dooper Reindeer Pooper”


Reindeer - 3

Reindeer - 2

That’s right straight from Australia; it’s a Chocolate Jelly Bean Dispenser (at least I hope they’re chocolate: note it is still in the box)…UMMMMMM YUMMMM

I know almost everyone has at least one really whacked friend…I’m misfortunate enough to be able to prove I have one!

Thank you soooo much for my highly coveted gift Jason!

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Posted in Family Stuff

Verse of the Day:

Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich. (Proverbs 21:17, ESV)

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This is the personal site of Chris Todd, Director of Technology at Champion Forest Baptist Church. The posts, comments, views, and opinions are not necessarily those of CFBC and should not be construed as such.
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